Apologies to the spider

Apologies to the spider I crushed

under my foot: you were

in the wrong place, at a time

when I was feeling uncharitable

to those of your kind. How can eight

tiny legs summon such a reaction

of terror within the hearts

of those many times your size?

I have watched you weave webs

of intricate design, natural architects

of strength and beauty. I was upset

the time I saw a firefly trapped, light

still glowing even after its demise.

You shouldn’t have come inside.

NaPoWriMo 2024 – Day 27: Today we’d like to challenge you to write an “American sonnet.” What’s that? Well, it’s like a regular sonnet but . . . fewer rules? Like a traditional Spencerian or Shakespearean sonnet, an American sonnet is shortish (generally 14 lines, but not necessarily!), discursive, and tends to end with a bang, but there’s no need to have a rhyme scheme or even a specific meter. 

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